Biking Enthusiasts: After 20 years of coordinating the biking activity, I find that I am unable to continue in this role. While I'm hoping to regain my biking abilities, at this point I feel that it would be best if a new coordinator could be named by the Activities Committee. I am hoping that someone will come forward to fill that role and I'm also willing to help with plans to organize regular biking activities that will engage bikers of all levels of skill and experience, will help Golfview residents explore the nearby communities in a safe manner, will introduce bikers to destinations beyond the immediate area, and will build friendships around this excellent aerobic exercise.

Schedule of Away Rides:
We are in the process of scheduling a ride to Lake Okeechobee and a ride to Shark Valley.
Questions or ideas? Click Here.
The schedule for Local Rides is dependent on the weather conditions and might be cancelled due to special circumstances.
To avoid disappointment, please call, text, or email Vince to be sure the ride will take place.
Cell: (239) 822-5678 for voice mail or text
email: Click Here.
For more information call Vince O'Connor or send him an email.
Click Here.
We start early on Mondays.
Gather at 8:00 AM at the Clubhouse parking lot.
Email Vince if you're planning to join a Monday ride.
Wednesday and Thursday, starts are later to allow for golfers and bridge players to finish.
Gather at 11:30 AM at the Clubhouse parking lot.
Email Vince if you're planning to join a Wednesday or Thursday ride.
If you're interested in away rides, please send your preferences to Vince.
Click Here.